Season 6, Episode 1 | How Leaders Build Great Teams

Welcome to Season 6 of The Leadership Roundtable Podcast with Dr. Conway Edwards!

In this episode, we are discussing the top qualities that leaders should look for when recruiting new team members, as well as some best practices to keep them engaged and get their buy-in to use their gifts and abilities to achieve the shared vision of the organization.

The Leadership Roundtable.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to sit at the table with today’s top leadership experts?  The Leadership Roundtable takes you on a journey with today’s top leaders to explore challenges that are relevant to you.  Subscribe or Listen in below and join our conversation.

Season 5, Episode 11 | Leading in a Parenting Pandemic

In this episode, Dr. Conway Edwards discusses how to lead during a Parenting Pandemic. You’ll discover how to lead when the culture is shifting around. You will learn 3 practical ways that the culture in today’s world is shifting and how you can lead through this shift.

Season 5, Episode 10 | Health, Healing & Leadership

Special Guest: Diego Mesa, founding pastor of Abundant Living Family Church in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. and author of the book, “How To Dream When You Are Told You’re Going To Die.” In this episode, Pastor Mesa shares his testimony of restoration and hope, and how his unwavering faith carried him through in the face of devastating health prognosis. He shares his empowering story, what he has learned along the way and why it is so important for leaders to prioritize their own health.

For more information about Diego Mesa’s ministry and mission, visit

Season 5, Episode 9 | Leading Through Loss in the Church

Churches are faced with tough decisions every day, but few more difficult than how to handle loss and the grief that comes along with it. Great leaders must learn to prepare the church for how to respond when things happen… because inevitably they will. In this episode, we will break down some practical ways for believers to walk through the process in a healthy way.

Season 5, Episode 8 | 6 Major Jobs of a Church Leader

Too often as leaders we spend our time doing things that keep us busy, but don’t make us efficient in our jobs. That’s why clarity is so important. Every great leader must ask themselves these questions – what does efficiency look like, and how do I continuously strive for it every day? In this episode, we will define some of the key roles and responsibilities of church leaders and how to align your priorities to design the perfect week!

Season 5, Episode 7 | Leading the 5000

Special Guest: Pastor Mike Jr. – There are some people that you share history with that you are not meant to share destiny with – just like in life, there are levels to the connections we have in ministry. In this episode, special guest host Jada Edwards sits down with Pastor Mike, Jr., esteemed communicator, award-winning gospel artist and senior pastor/founder of Rock City Church in Birmingham, Alabama, to discuss the importance of meeting people where they are and leading them according to their level.

For more information about Pastor Mike, Jr., visit:

Season 5, Episode 6 | Leadership in the Battlefield

Special Guest: Dr. E. Dewey Smith, Sr. Pastor of House of Hope Atlanta – Every leader will encounter their own unique challenges, but there are some battles that seem to just come with the territory. At one point or another, every great leader may get discouraged, feel inadequate or unworthy. The good news is that God never called us to be perfect – we just need to be available and He will do the rest! In this episode, Dr. E. Dewey Smith returns to share how we can survive and thrive as leaders in the battlefield.

Season 5, Episode 5 | Data Informed Leadership

Special Guest: Nona Jones – In this episode, special guest host Jada Edwards sits down for an in-depth conversation with dynamic preacher, speaker, author and business leader, Nona Jones, about essential tools every great leader needs and how to utilize data, both quantitative (numbers) and qualitative (experience), to make informed decisions to lead and serve your people well.
For more information and opportunities to connect with Nona Jones, please visit:

Season 5, Episode 4 | Chasing Failure

Special Guest: Ryan Leak, Transformational Leader, Speaker, Author & Executive Coach – Great leaders must be willing to fail every day at the things most people are unwilling to try. Some of the greatest lessons come from our greatest failures. In this episode, our special guest Ryan Leak joins us to discuss what happens when we learn to make failure our friend! We all have something we’d love to do, but often allow our fear to outweigh the potential of our destiny. But what if failure could actually help us succeed?

To learn more about Ryan Leak and his new book, Chasing Failure, visit:

Season 5, Episode 3 | Generational Leader Shifts, Pt. 2

In this episode, Part 2 of our conversation on generational leader shifts, we are focusing on the necessary shifts for the more seasoned generation of leaders (ages 40 and up), the importance of knowing when to hold on and when to let go, and give the next generation an opportunity to be the leaders we are cultivating them to be!

Want to learn more about how to enhance your leadership? Don’t miss out on the upcoming Climb Leadership Conference at One Community Church! January 25-27, 2023. Visit for more information.

Season 5, Episode 2 | Generational Leader Shifts, Pt. 1

One of the foremost challenges of our time is how to effectively lead multi-generational organizations, in particular, the next generations of future leaders. It is anticipated that over a million young people will walk away from their faith once they reach college age. The key for leaders is to first determine where you are in your season of leadership and what generational “leader shifts” need to be made in your own life by reflecting on where we are as a culture and how our thinking, feelings and behavior are impacting what we believe.

In Part 1 of this crucial conversation, we are focusing on the necessary shifts for all leaders under the age of 30, the importance of discipleship and living out the gospel anywhere that you are!

For more information on this topic, download the show notes here, and stay tuned for Part 2, coming soon!

Season 5, Episode 1 | How to Hire Great People

On this episode, we are helping leaders answer two very important questions:

  1. How do you add great people to your team?
  2. How do you get the wrong people off of the team?

All of leadership starts with a problem. To solve the problem, leaders need to have the right people who then can lead and inspire others to solve problem and accomplish the mission of your organization. That’s what makes a great team! Join us as we discuss key questions every leader must ask of themselves and their teams in order to be successful when it comes to hiring great people!

For more information on this topic, download the show notes from today’s episode here.

Season 4, Episode 12 | Leading with Clarity

Special Guest: Nona Jones. Ask yourself this question: What is blocking your impact? Far too often, leaders mistake motion for progress; a critical error that can be detrimental to the vision of any organization. If the motion is not being applied to the strategy, it will NOT result in progress. Great leaders must give themselves the capacity to think and clearly define what success looks like in order to delegate responsibilities to their teams more effectively.

In this special episode, (an excerpt from her talk at our 2023 Climb Leadership Conference), preacher, business executive, author, and entrepreneur, Nona Jones shares with us her strategies for success and the importance of leading with clarity!

Season 4, Episode 11 | The Power of DiscipleShift

The ground underneath our feet has shifted. Therefore, the dynamic of how we have historically approached discipleship must shift as well. Discipleship is more critical now than ever because our culture has changed dramatically. Leaders need to consider the various ways that people are connecting to information and engaging in community today and be ready to meet them there! Special guest Bishop Van Moody joins us to discuss how we can turn social media into social ministry, leveraging technology to create engagement, create community, and have conversations. There is no “new normal,” there’s only the “new NEXT!”

Season 4, Episode 10 | Leadership: The Skill that Scales

All skills are not created equal. Some skills are popular, but WAY LESS influential. Leadership is what we call a “meta” skill. Being a leader means doing the things that leaders do… and everybody wants to be a leader until that time comes! Great leaders understand that in order to achieve their vision, they MUST learn to discover, develop and deploy others… you don’t go as far as your dream; you go as far as your team! Special guest, Dr. Dharius Daniels, Lead Pastor of Change Church, joins us to discuss the significance of leaders being intentional about developing their leadership skills! 

Season 4, Episode 9 | Visionary Leadership

Special Guest: Dr. E. Dewey Smith, Sr. Pastor, House of Hope in Atlanta, GA. – Leaders see before others see. The question every great leader must ask is how can we reimagine the future and prepare ourselves for the church of tomorrow? Forecasting what is to come makes people uncomfortable because have a tendency to cling to what was, rather than embracing what could be. Dr. E. Dewey Smith joins us to discuss the importance of reaching the next generation in the church through inclusion, holistic leadership, vulnerability, authenticity and genuine connection!

Season 4, Episode 8 | Leading in the Digital Church


Special Guest: Jeff Reed. Sharing Jesus online is so much more than standing on a virtual “soapbox” and telling people how they should live. We are seeing God move in these spaces in ways that we can see anywhere else, and different types of leaders thrive in these areas more than others. Our special guest, Jeff Reed, founder of THECHURCH.DIGITAL & DigitalChurch.Network, joins the podcast to share how we can find value in using online tools to mobilize, motivate and equip people to share their Jesus stories in digital communities! 

For more information about Jeff Reed’s ministry and TheChurch.Digital, visit the following websites:

Season 4, Episode 7 | Fence Post Leadership

The culture that you create will not only attract the right people, but also repel the wrong ones! As a leader, establishing culture within your organization helps people make the best decisions even when you’re not in the room. On today’s episode, Dr. Conway Edwards discusses his latest book, Fence Post Leadership, and the importance of having a strategy for creating the culture that you want.

Season 4, Episode 6 | Triangulation

Triangulation is a major issue that can plague any organization, no matter its size. At its core, triangulation represents an inability or unwillingness to resolve conflict through courageous (and often uncomfortable) conversation. As leaders, it is imperative to understand how triangulation occurs and how to address it as soon as it arises. In this episode, we will discuss key strategies for you to identify and control triangulation within your organization!

Interested in more leadership tools? This month we are hosting our annual Climb Leadership Conference, January 26-28, 2023, at our OCC Plano Campus. Visit to register and get more information! We hope to see you there!

Season 4, Episode 5 | Uniquely One

No matter what type of organization you’re a part of, there are specific values and guidelines that we like to call the “House Rules.” It is important that leaders not only be familiar with the house rules but also be an ambassador for them within the culture. These are the things that make your organization unique. Join us on this special New Year’s episode as we break down the foundational operating principles at our church that make us one community and provide an outline of expectations for our staff, members, and friends. As you listen, start thinking about your own organization and ask yourself, “What are the rules of our house?”

Interested in more leadership tools? This month we are hosting our annual Climb Leadership Conference, January 26-28, 2023, at our OCC Plano Campus. Visit to register and get more information! We hope to see you there!

Season 4, Episode 4 | The OCC Story

Special Guest: Pastor Kurtran Wright. The story of our church is one of God’s faithfulness. We learned early that when you put what you have in His hands, there is no telling what He will do with it! Every step of the way along this 14-year journey, God has provided opportunities greater than we could have imagined… but it started with us asking some tough questions, making difficult decisions, and forcing ourselves out of our comfort zones for the glory of God! Pastor Kurtran Wright, one of the original staff members of One Community Church, joins us once again to talk about our uniquely humble beginnings.

Season 4, Episode 3 | Leadership Levels

Special Guest: Pastor Kurtran Wright. How does a leader know when it’s time to move to the next level? Great leaders need to be able to discern when someone is in their leadership “sweet spot!” Special guest Pastor Kurtran Wright joins us to discuss some mistakes that leaders often make when trying to develop other leaders and the key strategies to determining when a leader on your team is ready to expand their reach!

Season 4, Episode 2 | 10 Unique Strategies for Church Growth

Special Guest: Pastor Kurtran Wright, Missional Pastor One Community Church. What factors can determine church growth? The reality is that every church is different, and therefore leaders must be in tune with the unique culture of the congregation and the specific needs of the community they desire to serve. As One Community Church gets ready to celebrate 14 years, Special Guest Pastor Kurtran Wright, one of our original members, joins us to talk about humble beginnings and the unique strategies that churches can adopt as they start growing!

Season 4, Episode 1 | A Conversation with NFL Hall of Famer, Pastor Aeneas Williams

Special Guest: NFL Hall of Famer Aeneas Williams joins us to talk leadership lessons and the importance of leading with the team in mind!


Season 3, Episode 14 | 4 Hindrances to Growth 

Special Guest: Pastor Luke Brownell. Healthy leaders understand that you can either have control or you can have growth… but you can’t have both! If everything is under control, it is likely a sign that your organization is NOT growing, or at least not growing as fast as it could be. An organization that is growing will never have enough leaders. Pastor Luke Brownell joins us to discuss how to identify (and overcome) the specific challenges that are holding back opportunities for growth in your organization!


Season 3, Episode 13 | How to Create Sticky Environments

Special Guest: Pastor Luke Brownell. When something is “sticky” it doesn’t move easily, and it usually clings to whatever it touches. Creating a sticky environment in your organization means designing a rhythm to get new people attached to the vision and move them from guests to spectators to contributors as quickly as possible!

Too often we are focused on the numbers and miss the opportunity to connect people what God has called them to do. Pastor Luke Brownell, One Community Church Prosper Campus Pastor, joins us to discuss the key next steps your organization can take to get your people to stick!

Season 3, Episode 12 | Leadership is an Inside Job

Special Guest: Bishop Van Moody. The true mark of a healthy leader is summed up in the answer to one question: Can you lead your own life well? Great leaders understand the importance of self-reflection and accountability. If you are not where you need to be, or WHO you need to be for your teams, it is easy to become a stumbling block to the work that God is trying to do. Bishop Van Moody joins us to discuss some key strategies for leaders to use when taking inventory of their own lives. It all starts on the inside!

Season 3, Episode 11 | What Innovation Looks Like

Special Guest: Bishop Dale Bronner. Innovation is NOT an option; it is essential for growth. We must be able to look far enough into the future to anticipate what the needs will be before they come, reflect on where we’ve been and determine where we want to go. Bishop Dale Bronner joins us to discuss what innovation looks like in the church and how great leaders use innovation to inspire and empower their teams.

Season 3, Episode 10 | 10 Keys to a Successful Relaunch, Pt. 2

Special Guest: Pastor Luke Brownell. Part 2 of Dr. Conway Edward’s conversation with Pastor Luke Brownell of One Community Church Prosper Campus discussing the key strategies to successfully relaunch your church, re-engage volunteers and get your community on board!

Season 3, Episode 9 | 10 Keys to a Successful Relaunch, Pt. 1

Are you ready to relaunch your church? Things have changed and may look different. In times of uncertainty, it is not uncommon for church leaders to proceed with caution when reopening their doors. Pastor Luke Brownell from One Community Church – Prosper Campus joins Dr. Conway Edwards to talk about ten key strategies that church leaders can implement to re-engage volunteers and their community. Stay tuned for Part 2, coming soon!  

Season 3, Episode 8 | The Future of Volunteerism

When it comes to recruting volunteers, church leaders face a unique challenge to grow their teams while keeping current volunteers engaged. Dr. Conway Edwards shares some key strategies to best identify where people best fit so they can thrive in and within churches in the future!

Season 3, Episode 7 | How Great Leaders Connect with People

Special Guest: Pastor Mike, Jr. – How do you influence the people you cannot reach? Great leaders must learn to humble themselves and to speak the language of the culture in which they desire to have an impact. Pastor Mike Jr. joins us to discuss how leaders are using new evangelistic tools to connect with people and tell them about Jesus!

Season 3, Episode 6 | How Great Leaders Prepare for the Tough Questions

Special Guest: Pastor Dr. Eric Mason – Are you prepared to answer the tough questions? What happens when church leaders invite doubt into the conversation? It is important to understand what creates influence and how to answer those uncomfortable questions that the next generation of leaders may be asking. Pastor Dr. Eric Mason joins us to discuss how to identify the greatest needs in the community and what great leaders can do to keep people engaged!

Season 3, Episode 5 | How Great Leaders Build Relationships

Special Guest: Bishop Van Moody – People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. A greater leader understands that building quality relationships with people is the key to success. Bishop Van Moody joins us to discuss   some fundamental elements that leaders can apply to developing great relationships with others as well as themselves!

Season 3, Episode 4 | How to Develop a New Generation of Leaders

Special Guest: Christine Caine – A new generation of leaders is emerging. Organizations must learn to adapt and utilize tools that speak to the next generation. Non-profit founder Christine Caine joins us to discuss leadership development strategies for the next generation and what we can all learn from each other by working together! 

Season 3, Episode 3 | How to Be a Great Communicator

Communication is key! But what makes someone a great communicator? Pastor Bryan Loritts joins us to discuss a few things that leaders and pastors can do to become more effective communicators.

Season 3, Episode 2 | Leading Up: Part 2

Leaders love leaders. When the next great opportunity shows up, will your leader be able to call on you first? Join Dr. Conway Edwards and Pastor Matt Anderson as they discuss 9 ways to effectively lead your leader by learning how to “Honor Up,” providing support, and adding value to your leader and the organization!

Season 3, Episode 1 | Leading Up: Part 1

Everyone has influence. No matter who you are. No matter where you serve. No matter what you do. Join Dr. Conway Edwards and Pastor Matt Anderson as they discuss the keys to “Leading Up” in your organization!

Season 2, Episode 10 | 5 Questions to Discern Leadership Motive

Join the conversation as we discuss 5 Questions that will help every leader discern their motives in leadership.

Season 2, Episode 9 | 4 Stages of Leadership

Are you ready to take your leadership to the next level? Join us as we break down the four unique stages of leadership and give you some tools on how to evaluate yourself as a leader, identify the current stage you are in, and what you can do to LEVEL UP!

Season 2, Episode 8 | 10 Steps to a Successful Easter Experience

These are the moments great leaders thrive in. Are you spiritually, mentally, and physically prepared to take on the challenges of mobilizing the people and getting them fired up for an Easter experience like none other?!? Your job as the leader is to define the WIN – and this year, that comes in the form of engagement and connection for both physical and digital services. Join in the conversation as we discuss 10 steps that leaders need to take leading up to Easter 2021!

Season 2, Episode 7 | We’re All Church Planters Now

Join us as we discuss what it takes to be a church planter and how we can all play a role in the process!

Season 2, Episode 6 | Your Post-COVID Digital Strategy

Season 2, Episode 5 | 10 Ideas That Have Worked During COVID-19

Join the conversation as we discuss 10 ideas that have been a success in our church during COVID-19.

Season 2, Episode 4 | The Art of Continuous Improvement

What happens when we stop making intentional improvements every week? Join this conversation as we discuss 10 questions you should ask every week if you want to continually make improvements in every area of life.

Season 2, Episode 3 | Reaching the Next Generation

Special Guest: Dr. Eric Mason.  Join us we discuss reaching our communities and reaching the next generation.  We’ll explore the challenges faced with reaching Millennials and Gen Z. 

Season 2, Episode 2 | Managing the Future

Join in as we discuss the importance of leaders forecasting the future.  We’ll talk about evaluating culture, the importance of engagement, and a strategy for future focused initiatives.

Season 2, Episode 1 | Evaluating the Past & Planning for the Future

The lessons from the past can help us evaluate where we’re going in the future! Join in as we discuss our Quarterly Evaluation System, the 7 Cycles of a Church, our Strategic Evaluation Tool, and the 10 Metrics to Measure Church Health.

Episode 012:

From the Second Chair to the First Chair with Dr. Jackie Thompson


Episode 011:

5 Leadership Lessons from the International Justice Mission

Episode 010: Leadership & Forgiveness

Special Guest: Bruce & Toni Hebel.  Join in as we discuss the power of forgiveness… how unforgiveness can torment us and how forgiveness can set us free.  We will discuss biblical protocols for forgiveness and how to apply them.

Episode 009: Leadership Transitions After a Moral Failure

Special Guest: Pastor Bryan Loritts.  Join in as we discuss Leadership Transitions and rebuilding a church after a moral failure.  We’ll discuss principles that can apply to any major leadership transition.

Episode 008: Defending Your Marriage

Special Guest: Dr. Tim Muehlhoff.  Join in as we discuss the reality of spiritual battle in our marriages.  We’ll discuss 5 ways to know you might be in the midst of a spiritual battle, and how to best defend your marriage during battle.


Episode 007: Reasons Why People Quit Church

Special Guest: Dr. Dharius Daniels, Pastor of Change Church.  Join in as we discuss why so many people are quitting church, and how we can identify and respond to those who are leaving the church.


Episode 006: Are You Ready for a Diverse Church?

Special Guest: Bryan Loritts, Lead Pastor of Abundant Life Christian Fellowship.  Join in as we discuss diversity in the future church.  We’ll discuss the theological & sociological foundations for a diverse church, the different between culture & ethnicity, and the obstacles that lie ahead.


Episode 005: Six Questions Every Leader Must Ask

Join with Pastor Conway as we discuss six questions every leader must ask himself or herself if they want to strengthen their leadership.


Episode 004: Self Leadership

Special Guest: Steve Stroope, Lead Pastor of Lake Pointe Church.  Join in as we discuss how self leadership can have a greater impact than any other form of leadership.


Episode 003: Recruiting and Maintaining Great Volunteers

 Join Pastor Conway as we discuss principles for recruiting and maintaining great volunteers.


Episode 002: Leadership in the Future Church

Special Guest: Keith Battle, Lead Pastor of Zion Church. Join in as we discuss the challenges and opportunities related to leading in the church of the future.

Episode 001: Building a Diverse Church

Special Guest: Albert Tate, Lead Pastor of Fellowship Monrovia. Join in as we discuss practical ways to build a diverse church.

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