Global Missions

Jesus calls us to reach our local community, our nation, and the rest of the world. We provide many opportunities to serve internationally, from giving, to short-term mission trips, to long-term missionary support.

GO into all the world, representing Christ with every step

GIVE to support the worldwide spread of the Gospel

PARTNER with missionaries that are changing the world

PRAY for all the world to know Christ and prosper

Upcoming Missions Trips

Latin America

Dates: July 6th 13th
Cost: Approximately $3,000

Focus: Strengthen the Churches in Latin America

Embark on a mission to a Latin American nation to spread a powerful message to hundreds. This ministry’s core focus is to contribute to the overarching objective of reaching every corner of the country by establishing “house churches.” Engage in divine encounters as you collaborate with local church partners, actively sharing the gospel with those unfamiliar with Jesus.



Dominican Republic Basketball/Baseball Camps

Dates:  Baseball Trip – June 22nd – June 29th
             Basketball Trip – June 29th – July 6th
Cost: Approximately $2,800

Focus: Mentoring Youth in the Dominican Republic

Join us for our first two-week missions trip to the Dominican Republic. On this trip we will host a week-long basketball camp followed by a week-long baseball camp for the boys and girls of Barahona.  More than 200 kids already spend time weekly with coaches learning the basics of the sports of baseball and basketball.  We will host the highest quality basketball and baseball camps for these budding athletes that will not only increase the skills of these young people but will also train them to succeed in life. 

You do not need to play or coach basketball or baseball, you just need to love and want to mentor kids! 

You can choose to attend the basketball trip only (1 week), the baseball trip only (1 week), or both (2 weeks)!



Jamaica Students

Dates: November 23rd – 30th
Cost: Approximately $2,200

Focus: Reaching Montego for Christ

Join us on this High School Student’s trip! This missions trip will be the culmination of leadership training and discipleship of students in 9th -12th grade. Students will share their faith through evangelism, serve local high schools, teach in elementary schools, and do some community service. This will be an opportunity for our Student Leadership to pour into your student giving them real-time opportunities to live out their faith. *Spaces are limited and only students who are actively participating in the OCC Student’s ministry and approved by the OCC Student Leadership team will be accepted.




Kenya Medical

Dates: December 4th 13th
Cost: Approximately $3,000

Focus: Medical Training and Health Care 


Join us for the first medical missions trip to Kenya! For the last two years, we have been building a relationship with the Masai people of Kenya helping them attain self-sufficiency in ten years. One of their greatest needs is healthcare. Many Masai live hours away from the nearest hospital so they depend upon the care of governmentally trained local Community Health Volunteers (CHV’s). On this trip our medical team will have an opportunity to train CHV’s on the latest medical approaches, train new CHV’s, and care for some of the more difficult diseases. We will also have classes that will teach the community on how to deal with health care and hygiene issues. You do not need to be a medical professional to attend, you just need to love people!


For over 10 years, we have been partnering with local churches and pastors in Jamaica, to demonstrate the gospel in word and deed through community outreach initiatives, medical clinics and evangelism. We have also adopted a girl’s home in Montego Bay to where we help girls who have been abused know God’s healing and restorative power!

Latin America

Venture to this Latin American, Caribbean country to share the greatest message of all with hundreds of people! The heart of this ministry is to participate in the long-term goal of reaching every neighborhood in this country by establishing “house churches”. You will be involved in God’s divine appointments as you work alongside local church partners to share the gospel to those who do not know Jesus.

Dominican Republic

Over the last four years One Community Church has adopted a small town called Las Salinas in the Dominican Republic. The people of Las Salinas are made up of Haitians and Dominicans who experience the crushing blow of extreme poverty daily. Most live without running water, bathrooms, electricity and some even go without food and shoes. The need is great!
We have partnered with local government leaders, community leaders and pastors to stop the poverty cycle and to show the love of Christ in tangible ways: build latrines, repair homes, put up street lights and improve sanitation. Come join us as we rebuild lives and reshape community!

What OCC Short-Term Mission Trip attendees are saying


“Asked how often they pray to God, most said every day. When preparing to close one of the sessions, one young lady asked if she could pray us out. It was such a touching prayer, it gave me chills to hear the earnestness and sincerity of a prayer of praise, thanksgiving and supplication. God is definitely at work in Granville Child Care Facility and it’s clear that they see and receive God’s love from the OCC Granville Mission Team.”

– Brenda Holmes

Learn More About This Trip

Latin America

“This mission trip to Latin America was like nothing I could have imagined. I will never forget the love and compassion of the people I met. I felt welcomed in the homes I visited, the warm smiles, and the warmth of the people. To see the concern they had for their neighbor was surreal. I was invited in homes not as a stranger, but as a friend and I was very comfortable in the presence of people I didn’t know. I saw people loving and caring about each other. The people are so beautiful in my eyes.”

– Janice Coutain

Learn More About This Trip


“We started the camp Monday and by sometime Tuesday, God revealed to me that this week would be little about basketball, but more about pouring into these boys, showing them gentleness, patience and humility, while at the same time challenging them to be the best young men they could be – not really being better in basketball, but in fearing God, and in being stronger young men in their homes, schools and communities, making wise choices, thinking before acting, etc.”

– Coach Charles Williams

Learn More About This Trip

Advance God’s Kingdom With Us

Global Missions

We want to be a church that makes a difference in the world!
Our Global Impact Strategy focuses on two things: sharing the gospel and ministering to the poor.
As Christians we are called by Scripture to be Christ’s witnesses to the utter most parts of the earth (Acts 1:8) and we are compelled to show compassion to the poor (1 John 3:17).
As a church we have committed to furthering the spread of the gospel and caring for the poor in Caribbean and South East Asian countries. We know that we cannot do this unless we encourage and strengthen churches and leaders abroad.

Local Outreach

We are blessed to be a blessing!
God has called each of us to make a difference in our neighborhoods and communities.
We want to be a church that matters to our community.
Come be amazed as you see how our good deeds will lead to goodwill…and goodwill
will create opportunities for the good news to spread!
You can serve as a Life Group or by yourself, with family or friends!


In Collin County we are tremendously blessed. Yet we know that there are significant needs in our community. We believe that the Church is the hope of the world. Therefore we have committed to working with our community partners in these 6 Areas of Need:

Women in Crisis

Children in Need





Serving Saturdays

Second & fourth Saturdays we have Serving Saturdays.

We’ll go out in teams to serve the community on all sorts of different projects.

Feeling like you should get involved in opportunities to reflect Jesus’ heart to your local community? Just submit your email address and we’ll follow up with you about Serving Saturdays!

Evangelism Saturdays

First & third Saturdays we have Evangelism Saturdays.

We’ll go out in teams to meet people, introduce them to Jesus, and invite them to church for discipleship

One Community Outreach Ministries

One by 1 (Foster & adoption)

Our adoption and foster care ministry walks parents through the adoption and foster care process, wrap around care and a support group for adoptive and foster parents. Opportunities include: teaching courses, serving families, ministering to other adoptive and foster families

Adopt-a-School Ministry

We aim to create a strategic partnership with neighborhood schools to influence the next generation by equipping kids to live the lives God intended for them. Opportunities to serve include: mentoring, teacher support, parental engagement, and support.

Mission 61:1 (Prison Ministry)

Mission 61:1 aims to lead those impacted by incarceration to spiritual freedom through the hope, grace, and love of Jesus Christ. As a holistic prison ministry, our volunteer opportunities:

-Support youth in the juvenile justice system through career development classes
-Connect with incarcerated men and women through in-prison Bible Study programs, in-person and remotely
-Create opportunities for families to reconnect through programs such as Day with Dad, Day with Mom, and marriage conferences
-Encourage staff at the correctional facilities through quarterly gifts and encouraging cards
-Partner with re-entry programs to welcome returning citizens

Volunteer opportunities range from in-person, virtual, weekly, monthly, and occasional.

Fund OCC Outreach & Mission Work

God gives us good things we don’t deserve and could never earn, like grace and forgiveness. He gave the eternal gift, His son, for our sins (John 3:16) and when a follower of Christ freely and joyfully gives away their increase, whether it be money, possessions, time, or talents, they are imitating God.

You can make an eternal investment into the Kingdom of God by praying for our missionaries and by supporting them.
If you would like to support a short-term mission team or a missionary, please click the GIVE button.

Take a small step toward Outreach now: Connect with the OCC Outreach Team